There is „szewc bez butów chodzi” in Polish, in Spanish „en casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo" (lit. „in the blacksmith's house, wooden knife”), in Russian „сапожник без сапог”, and so on.
Proverbs are the wisdom of nations. That one about the shoemaker (or blacksmith) was proven: I have been making web pages for years, but haven't got my own. On the one hand side there is no time for such extravaganza as long as at least one Client waits in the queue. On the other, such service should meet high technical and aestethical requirements. It must be easy to update and attractive to potential employers.
Finally, in the beginning of this year, thanks to the Wonderful Designer and her invention, consequence, politeness and patience - the complete list would be really long, it happened: I have my own portfolio and blog. During the course I found myself more or less on a client's post, and I must admit that my own pickyness and meticulousness surprised and impressed me a lot.
Portfolio is ready, now it is time to fill it with projects and to feast. As the Winter outside is still gray, grim and gloomy, I am illustrating this entry with the shot taken on the local market in April. The Coca-Cola bottle in this company is somehow touching. Who knows, if she was a PET flower in her previous incarnation?